The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) is an opportunity to look back on the activities of the past year and to look forward to the year ahead. Anyone can attend, it’s a great way to find out more about what the church has been doing and our vision for the future. A reminder that in order to vote at the APCM, you do need to be on the Electoral Roll.

Our meeting this year will be held on Monday 29th April at the church (it will not be livestreamed).

The evening will run as follows:
7.30pm Prayer & Praise
8pm Parishioners Meeting
8.05pm APCM


Churchwarden & PCC


Please complete the forms below to nominate candidates. Forms are also available in church during services and in the Reception during office hours.

Church Warden Nomination Form

PCC Member Nomination Form

Return your form by email to: admin@standrewsoxford.org

Or by post: St Andrew’s Church, Linton Road, Oxford OX2 6UG, addressed to Annette Williamson

Written nominations need to be submitted in advance of the APCM. Nominations for PCC may also be done orally at the APCM.



If you are on the Electoral Roll you can nominate candidates for the PCC and Churchwarden. The revised roll will be available at reception from the 15th April and in the “APCM 2024” folder. Please report any errors to admin@standrewsoxford.org

Tips: You can either print the form, sign it and scan it, or add an electronic signature. You will need to save the document to your computer before filling it in. Please include your full name in the email itself and state your consent to the details in the attached form, particularly if you are unable to sign your form itself.



If you have any questions at all, please contact Annette Williamson on admin@standrewsoxford.org